Thursday 23 February 2012

This is my first attempt at blogging!!

I'm desperately trying to find other people who think they may have a problem with candida (yeast over-growth in the intestines), but have been given a diagnosis of inflammatory or rheumatoid arthritis by the Rheumatologists.

The last four years have been a horrendous time because of the restrictions of swollen joints - ankles, knees, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands - together with the fatigue which comes with RA, but to summarise my experience:

I was told I had seronegative inflammatory arthritis in 2008, and was treated with Methotrexate, which is basically a chemotherapy drug, and which has horrendous side effects - mainly low immnunity.

I continued with this treatment (and other drugs) until 2011, when I developed a skin rash, which was diagnosed as candida.  I was given antibiotic and antifungal creams, and oral antifungal treatment.  I also took probiotics.  I eventually realised that my arthritis was improving whilst having this treatment.  During the last three months or so, I've been to see a nutritionist who also believes the arthritis is linked to the candida.  She has asked me to eat natural foods - no processed foods or preservatives.  Also I don't eat dairy, wheat, yeast, sugar.  Quite a restricted diet at the moment, but hopefully I'll be able to add these foods back in later on.

My joints are so much better!!!!

I hope someone out there reads this blog!  I believe so strongly that my joint problems are related to diet/candida, and find it unbelievably frustrating that the rheumatologists will not even consider the link. 

Please let me know if you have had a similar experience or know of someone who has managed to improve their rheumatoid arthritis through diet, and maybe have considered candida as being the trigger for the onslaught of RA.

Penny x